Auto configuration failed - Shopware 5, Shopware 6, WooCommerce, Wordpress and Magento 2 integration

The autoconfiguration is executed when the module is opened for the first time (after plugin installation). It checks the existing store configurations and tries to make an internal call to set the plugin or store settings correctly. This process determines the optimal plugin setup and ensures later usability. These configurations are then saved and used for all asynchronous plugin process calls.

If the system detects that something is wrong with the background processes and task execution, the system should take the store's default URL parameters and attempt to execute the asynchronous test call with the default system configuration. If the call fails, the system should retry the test with all combinations of the following options:

  1. Changing the call protocol from HTTP to HTTPS and vice versa, depending on what was used by default.
  2. Increase the timeout of an asynchronous call, as some systems do not accept a cURL timeout of less than one second
  3. Set/reset the option to follow 301/302 redirects
  4. Use IPv4 or IPv6 IP resolution options.

If all options are successfully done and saved, you will be redirected to the recipient import selection.

If the plugin or you yourself could not successfully change the store settings, please contact our service.