Multi-shops with our xt:Commerce plugin

With our CleverReach Plugin for xt:Commerce you can also manage several shops.
To create a new shop, please click on the shop-configuration tab.


A list of existing shops will appear. To add a new store, please be so kind and right-click on the existing shop and then click on “new store”.


Please add a domain for the new store and activate it by checking the status checkbox. After entering the domain and checking status, click on the save or transfer button.


After a few seconds, a pop-up message will be shown.


After refreshing the page, a new store will be listed along with other existing shops.


Since every time when a new store is created, it will have the same title as a default one. To change the store title, please click on a “‘+” icon to show options for the selected store.

Under the “my store” tab, add a store title in specific languages, and click on the save or transfer button.


Please note that customers belong to a specific shop although, under the ‘orders/customers’ tab, all customers will be listed, no matter which store they belong to.

Products are shared between all shops.


Multi-shop behavior

In a multi-store environment the plugin configuration is different for each store. After installation of CleverReach xt:Commerce plugin, please be so kind and click on plugin configuration.


Please activate the plugin and choose if you want to add newsletter checkbox as well as how existing customers will be handled for each store separately and click on the save or transfer button.


After initial synchronization is finished, a segment list on CleverReach will contain all stores from xt:Commerce system.


Recipients will have a tag, source and shop attributes that indicate the store in which a customer is registered.




Product search changes

On the Product search endpoint, an additional filter is added, so the products will be displayed in the selected language.