Shopware 5 Plugin - Automatically Contact Abandoned Cart Customers via Newsletter

You offer fabulous products in your Shopware shop, but some customers simply don’t complete their purchase? Our free CleverReach for Shopware 5 plugin allows you to send automated email reminders to customers who leave your shop with their shopping cart full of stunning products, they haven’t bought yet. Everything you need is our CleverReach plugin for Shopware 5 and a CleverReach account.


We start this post by describing the general Shopware settings (Multishop System, Customers/ guest buyers, abandoned cart in Shopware), your setting options in the plugin and how to quickly start sending automated newsletters and evaluate their performance.

Shopware Multishop System

Shopware is a multishop system. The Shopware installation can be used for several domains and shops.

There are three types of shops:

  • Main shop – Default shop installed in Shopware
  • Sub shop – Shop independent from the main shop
  • Language shop - Shop, which uses the same template as the main or sub shop, but in a different language

The main shop and each sub shop have a separate tab in the plugin dashboard in Shopware, so you can select for each shop whether you want to activate automated newsletters after an abandoned shopping cart. This allows you to use an automation workflow for each shop.

Send Abandoned Cart Emails to Customers and Guest Buyers

In Shopware, customers can put items in their shopping cart without being logged in or even signed up at all. The abandoned cart feature works for registered customers as well as guest buyers. However, your customer only receives and abandoned cart email when they are your newsletter subscribers.

It’s essential that your recipient has explicitly given you permission in compliance with the GDPR to send your emails to them. If you are unsure whether you’ve done everything correctly, we recommend contacting your legal consultant.

View Abandoned Carts in Shopware

In Shopware, you can see who didn’t complete their purchase. Navigate to [Marketing] and click on [Evaluations]. You can also see on which page your customer left your shop. This allows you to send an automated and targeted email to your customer and remind them to return to their shopping carts.

Start Sending Automated Abandoned Cart Emails in Shopware

You can activate or deactivate abandoned cart emails for each of your shops. To do so, navigate to [Abandoned cart] in your CleverReach plugin dashboard in Shopware:


When activating this feature, the automation workflow will automatically be activated in CleverReach as well.  


In case the activation fails, an error message pops up and you can give the whole thing another try.  

As soon as you have successfully activated the abandoned cart feature, your customer is automatically reminded to complete their purchase. Via [Edit Email] you automatically end up in the email editor in CleverReach and can adjust the email you want to send to your customers.  


The following variables are already part of the pre-designed template and automatically filled with data (e.g. item name, item ID, description) when sending the automated abandoned cart email:

Shop Variables:


{AC_URL} – Shopping cart URL

{AC_TOTAL} – Total Cart Value


{AC_STORELOGO} – Your Shop Logo

{AC_CURRENCY} – Shopping Cart Currency

{AC_CARTITEMS} – Items in the shopping with the following details:  


Item Variables:


{ID} – Item ID

{SKU} – Stock Keeping Unit

{NAME} – Product name

{DESCRIPTION} – Item Description

{AMOUNT} – Item amount

{IMAGE} – product image

{SINGLEPRICE} – Unit price




You can adjust the newsletter for your recipients with just a few clicks. When you’re done editing, remember to save your work by hitting the button above the newsletter. The screen window closes after saving.

Please note that your products are not yet displayed correctly when taking a look at the preview of your newsletter. When sending the newsletter, all variables are automatically filled with data.  

In the plugin dashboard in Shopware you can also select when you want the abandoned cart email to be sent:

  • After 1 hour
  • after 3 hours
  • after 10 hours (recommended)
  • after 24 hours

You can change and save the number of hours at any time in the plugin settings.  

The newsletter will be sent when:

  • The selected time frame after an abandoned cart has passed.
  • Your customer is an active recipient in CleverReach and has the tag Shopware-Special.Newsletter-subscriber
  • Your recipient is part of your Shopware recipient list you have activated for sending the email
  • The total shopping cart value is higher than zero.
  • The store is not in maintenance mode and is not deactivated.

You can activate or deactivate the automation workflow in the plugin dashboard in CleverReach at any time.


You also have the setting option in your CleverReach account. To do this, go to the [THEA Automation] tab and to your shopping cart abandonment automation. At the top right is a slider that you can set from [active] to [inactive] (e.g. if you want to pause the automation).

Abandoned Cart Overview

When navigating to the [Customers] tab in your Shopware 5 account, you can see an overview of abandoned cart emails from CleverReach and configure them:


When clicking on [Abandoned cart], you’ll get to a list of your customers and newsletters:


The overview shows the following details:

  • Scheduled time -> time at which you want to send out your abandoned cart email.
  • Sent time -> time at which your abandoned cart email was sent Usually, this is the same as the scheduled time.
  • Amount -> total amount of the shopping cart items.
  • Email -> email address of the customer who filled the shopping cart.
  • Shop -> shop the shopping cart has been created in.
  • Status Abandoned Cart email - > the status shows whether the abandoned cart email has been sent to our customer or not. There are four possible options: Sent (email was sent successfully), Sending (Email delivery in progress), Pending (Email has not yet been sent) and Not sent (email couldn’t be sent).
  • Recovery Status -> the status shows whether the customer has returned to their shopping cart via email or not. There are two possible options: recovered and not recovered.

Furthermore, you can do this in the overview:

  • Send Abandoned Cart Email Now -> starts the newsletter delivery. Only possible, if status Pending recovery email is available.
  • Delete Abandoned Cart -> deletes the dataset of the abandoned cart independent from the status of the abandoned cart email. Not available in status Send.
  • Error -> only available for the status not sent of the abandoned cart email. When moving the cursor over the symbol, an error message is displayed with a note why the newsletter delivery failed.

Additionally, you can filter for abandoned carts and other details by details like the email address of a customer. For example, filter by:  

  • Recovery Status – Filter by the status whether a customer has returned to their shopping carts or not. This is a selection field with two options: Recovered and not recovered.
  • Status of Abandoned Cart Email – filter by the status whether an email has been sent or not. There are four possible options: sent, not sent, sending and
  • Shop -> filter by shop
  • from (scheduled time) -> filters all datasets whose email delivery for abandoned carts takes place after a certain point in time.
  • until (scheduled time) – filters all datasets whose email delivery for abandoned carts takes places before a certain point in time.

By the way: In our CleverReach plugin you can navigate to the [Abandoned Cart] tab and get to the overview with just one click:


THEA Reporting for Monitoring Your Success

The THEA Report allows you to monitor the success of your abandoned cart campaigns. It contains all the default CleverReach figures: delivered emails, unopened and opened emails, click, unsubscribes, bounces.

Additionally, the Connect Link Extension allows you to monitor purchases generated through your emails in CleverReach. Monitor:

  • Generated orders
  • Generated revenue
  • Order rate

Alternatively, you can also use the Google Analytics Integration to monitor purchases etc.

Please note:

  • If you want to use our Abandoned Cart Feature, you have to deactivate the abandoned cart emails of your shop system.
  • You can only send abandoned cart emails to active recipients in CleverReach who have agreed to receive your newsletters in compliance with the GDPR.
  • The email will be sent automatically when:
    • The selected time frame after an abandoned cart has passed.
    • Your customer is an active recipient in CleverReach
    • Your recipient is part of your Shopware recipient list you have activated for sending the email
    • The total shopping cart value is higher than zero.
    • The store is not in maintenance mode and is not deactivated.
  • In case there are several abandoned carts, only the first one will be transferred to CleverReach.

Help & Support:

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our service team at any time.