When sending out a newsletter, you put a lot of effort, money and time into it and want to reach your recipients in the best possible way. But what if a customer suddenly stops opening your newsletters? Simply create an automated email automation workflow in your CleverReach account and send out emails to customers, who have not opened your email in x days and encourage them to become loyal customers again.
The first step is to create a segment in your recipient list with all recipients who have last opened your emails more than x days ago. Go to your CleverReach account and click on [Recipients].
Select your recipient list in the next step by clicking on the [Segments] button at the top. In the next step, click on the top right orange button [Create Segment] to create a new segment.
Name your segment to always find it in your list and select it for your automation (for example “Reactivation Campaign”).
Now filter the segment by “E-Mail last open (time period)” and “after” and “x days ago”:
If you, e.g., select “3 days ago“, the system automatically checks who of your recipients have last opened your newsletter 3 days ago.
Click on [Update & Save] to save the segment.
In the next step, create a new THEA automation workflow in your CleverReach account. Click on the menu item [Automation THEA] and click on the top right button [New Workflow].
You can choose between the “Single-track workflow“ and the “multi-level“ workflow.
Navigate to [Single-track Automation Workflow] and select the [Calendar Event] and name your automation workflow:
Click on [Create] to create a THEA automation workflow. You automatically end up with your pre-designed automation workflow:
The automation workflow starts with the calendar icon. The calendar icon allows you to schedule your email. You can choose between daily, weekly, monthly, specific calendar weeks or a list of days.
In the next step, select the recipients you want to contact with your automation. Now click on the recipient list or the segment that you have created in the first step.
After having selected the segment for your automation workflow, create a new email or select one you have already created earlier.
Use your newsletter to make your readers aware of discount offers or ask them what they miss or need.
When you’re done with that, save your email. There’s your automation workflow!
Activate your automation workflow, by switching the workflow from [inactive] to [active]. If you don’t want your automated emails to be sent out to your recipients, simply switch it back to [inactive].
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